Strategies to Slash Self-Insured Health Costs
Dependable Dynamic Delivery: Your Prescription for Healthcare Savings!
In the evolving landscape of healthcare, business owners, agents, and brokers face a daunting challenge: controlling costs.
The frustration is real: the government dictates the level of care, healthcare inflation is uncontrollable by employers. And of course there is the fear that employees are going to revolt because you're trying to save money.
We don't change your healthcare, or disrupt your current relationships. We do change delivery of the most-often-used services in an affordable and accessible way for you and your employees. And this saves you money.
International Prescription Mail Order
Save 50% or more on the cost of your employee's brand name meds
Prescription Medications can easily be up to 35% of your entire healthcare budget. While only 7% of most company’s medications are brand name, it is responsible for 50% of most employers’ drug spend.
Did you know that it is legal, convenient and safe to source your employee's brand name medications from International Sources?
Mental Health
The cost of impaired Mental Health in the workplace is Staggering

12 Billion work days lost every year...$1 Billion dollars of lost productivity...62% of employees leave due to mental health issues. What is your company's cost of not addressing Mental Health?
Offering affordable, accessible and anonymous health care is now available to large and small employers. Offering this outside of little-used EAPs and expensive healthcare gives Employers the opportunity to reach the "silent sufferers", help the bottom line and even save lives.
Labs, Tests, Scans, Blood tests and more...
Redirecting where your employees go for these items can provide tremendous savings

Let's face it, unless your employee pays out of pocket for testing, they don't always care what it costs. But as an employer, you DO care.
How do you get your employees to pay attention? They don't know how to get pricing, they don't know their rights, they don't know there are alternatives to having services performed inside their physician's hospital or office.
We can help. Transparency doesn't mean your employees will make the right choice, but transparency and guidance helps set them up for success!